SeoTools for Excel Crack Free Download 2023


SeoTools for Excel Crack Download [Latest]

With the  SeoTools for Excel add-in  , you get access to features that are useful when working with online marketing. For in-page SEO parsing, you have functions such as HtmlH1, HtmlTitle and HtmlMetaDescription.

What problems Does it Help solve?

• Analyze the title and metadata of all pages of the site or by a list of URLs specified manually
• Run the site against a specific list of indicators (it’s convenient that you can choose them yourself and use regular expressions when parsing), for example, page weight, technical errors, encoding, age site, etc.
• Find duplicate pages, spam, empty data in meta tags
• Check for links on pages (by anchors and nofollow), etc.

On-page SEO
With the SeoTools for Excel add-in, you get access to features that are useful when working with online marketing. For in-page SEO parsing, you have features like HtmlH1, HtmlTitle, and HtmlMetaDescription to make sure your pages are set up correctly.

Off-page SEO
SeoTools also comes in handy when looking at off-page SEO factors. Use CheckBacklink to make sure your backlinks are still available and GooglePageRank easily extracts PageRank for multiple URLs.

SeoTools comes with integrations for your favorite services. Use the Google Analytics integration to create your own automated KPI reports or Majestic to analyze your backlink profile.

If you’re missing something, it’s easy to create your own Connector using our easy-to-use XML format to integrate with any external API or service.

Connects the SeoTools connectors to the page crawler. Just supply Spider with a list of URLs or just the root URL – it takes care of the rest.

Other Tools
Excel is an invaluable tool for any online marketer, but some features are missing. SeoTools provides you with over 100 helper functions such as XPathOnUrl, RegexpFind, DomainAge, SpinText and UrlProperty.

System requirements

• Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
• Excel/Office 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 365

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Download Links/Mirrors

Download SeoTools for Excel (12.7 MB):

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